Thursday, June 21, 2012

Six Colorful Fish

 I found these fish squirters in the dollar section at Target & thought they'd be a nice alternative to a flat flannel board story (of which I have several ocean related ones).  I used "Five Little Fishes" from Storytime Katie as the basis for what I did.  I have a small cart I take into storytime and they sat on top of it very nicely.  The kids seem to enjoy having 3-D objects periodically (& as you can see from my previous posts--I do too!)


Six little puffer fish going out for a dive;
the (color) one got caught then there were five.
Five little puffer fish swimming by the shore;
the (color) one got caught then there were four
Four little puffer fish swimming in the sea;
the (color) one got caught then there were three
Three little puffer fish swimming in the blue;
the (color) one got caught then there were two
Two little puffer fish swimming in the sun;
the (color) one got caught then there was one
One (color) puffer fish swimming straight for home
decided he would never roam

I also borrowed the idea of the color spinner from Miss Mary Liberry, but I used a spinner I found at Dollar Tree & adapted it to my purpose by adding the color names over what had been on it before.

As you can tell, I've been using Flannel Friday posts as inspiration and you can too.  This week's Flannel Friday is being hosted by Shawn at Read, Rhyme & Sing.  To find out more about Flannel Friday and how you can participate, visit the Flannel Friday homepage.