Friday, November 2, 2012

Clothesline Story-Five Fat Turkeys

I like doing clothesline stories as an alternative to flannel boards every so often.  In planning for my November storytimes, I thought I'd do "Five Fat Turkeys" on the clothesline.  I found this song at which was sent in by Kristen Kroll.
This old road is hard and bumpy
Five fat turkeys wild and jumpy
Driver, driver, not so jerky
Or you'll make us lose a turkey.
Driver!  Driver!  Stop I say!
One fat turkey got away!
repeat each verse until just one turkey is left and say:
Driver!Driver! Stop I say!
Let's save this turkey for Thanksgiving Day!
I'm planning to leave off the last segment & let all my turkeys escape.  One nice thing about the clothesline is that it can be shaken for the "hard and bumpy" & "jerky" parts.
I made my turkeys with an XL Ellison die & sandwiched two together with a small piece of red paper between so the turkeys can face either direction.
Since I'm using a clothesline, this song could also be done with 5 small plush turkeys.  I didn't have any on hand, but took this photo to give you an idea of what I mean.
You need a sturdy line (clotheslines are available  at most dollar stories) and some clothespins.  If you don't have anyplace to attach it, draft two parents to be your holders.  When I do "Old MacDonald", I'll hand out beanie babies & let the children come up and pin them on which they love doing.
I work with our local community college and two students took this idea into their preschool.  It was so popular, they set up a clothesline in the play area and preschoolers could use it for sequencing, sorting or just playing.
This week's host is Amanda at Trails & Tales where you'll find a special Thanksgiving edition of Flannel Friday.  



Mrs. Darling said...

Fabulous. I really love the idea of parents holding up the line.

Leah said...

Lovely post!! I like trying new things. What melody did you sing this song to?

Sandy said...

I used "Old Gray Mare" but another storyteller also suggested "This Old Man".

Leah said...

Thanks for the response. I can see either song would work for it. Fun!